Older adults with more harmful than healthy bacteria in their gums are more likely to have evidence for amyloid beta–a key biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease–in their cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), according …
Your Sleep Teeth-Grinding Habit Can Stop If You Use These 3 Treatments
by EDSby EDSWelcome to #Adulting, the ultimate breakdown of all your grown-up needs. These articles are here to help you feel less alone and answer all your personal, financial, and career questions that …
With the ever-increasing focus around the world on green issues, dentistry has had to take stock, not just as an industry, but at a dental practice level, of how much …
Coronavirus spread during dental procedures could be reduced with slower drill rotation
by EDSby EDSDental procedures can pose a high risk of viral transmission because the tools that are used often produce aerosols, which can contain high numbers SARS-CoV-2 virions, copies of the virus …
Dental Industry NewsDentistryDentists
Tooth Filling Materials Market Overview and Regional Outlook Study 2017 – 2025
by EDSby EDSGlobal Tooth Filling Material Market: Snapshot Tooth filling material is used when a tooth gets damaged, detached, or in the areas from where the cavity is removed. It aids in …
Dental HygieneHealth
What Happens to Your Body When You Don’t See a Dentist for a Long Time
by EDSby EDSGoing to the dentist tops the list of “things you’ll do eventually.” It’s right up there with changing your oil, vacuuming under the bed, and cleaning the expired spinach out …