Dependence or independence? Relative to your insurance provider network your answer is probably affected by profitability. Even so, independence could be achieved by discovering how to create, launch, and grow …
Avoid Cybersecurity and Ransomware Threats by Securing Your Dental Practice Database and Staying Compliant
by Planet DDSby Planet DDS“Watch-your-back!” That serves as a warning these days especially related to cybersecurity and ransomware threats to your dental practice database. The ADA (American Dental Association) sounded the “watch-your-back” alarm recently. …
Dental HygieneDental Industry NewsDentistryTechnology
How Contactless Dental Technology is Shaping the Future of Safe, Convenient Patient Care
by Planet DDSby Planet DDSThe words “new normal” might suffer from overuse. But it certainly defines the increasing need for contactless dental technology solutions. Re-opening has stirred up new realities for how you and your …
DentistryEmergency DentalHealthTechnology
What is Teledentistry and How Can It Transform Access to Dental Care
by Planet DDSby Planet DDSImagine a circle. Now picture that circle growing increasingly larger. That’s an accurate image for answering the question – “what is teledentistry?” The circle is certainly expanding to reveal the …
Dental HygieneDentistryFamilyTechnology
Direct-to-you tooth alignment poses serious risks
by EDSby EDSWould you do your own plastic surgery? If you broke your leg, would you try to set the bone yourself? How about your own cardiac surgery? Why would you think …
Dental Industry NewsDentistryHealthTechnology
13 Top Dental Trends for 2020
by Planet DDSby Planet DDSThrough consulting with clients and monitoring industry thought leaders, we have compiled a list of 13 trends we’re predicting in 2020. It’s no secret that the dental industry is going through a …
Dental HygieneDentistryEmergency DentalTechnology
5 Tooth Replacement Options Your Dentist May Recommend
by EDSby EDSIn dentistry, we are looking to ensure our patients have healthy and strong teeth that allow them to eat, smile and talk confidently. For many individuals, this is a challenge …
When we look at clear aligner therapy (Invisalign®) and braces as what they are, tools to move teeth, it becomes easier to compare them against one another. Teeth don’t know …
8 Ways to Increase Visibility with SEO for Dental Practices
by EDSby EDSWhen patients are looking for a new dentist, Google is usually one of the first places they will go. However, a simple Google search for “dentist” yields more than 488 million results. …
Dental HygieneHealthTechnology
The Top 3 Surprising Reasons Why Straight Teeth Matter
by Vicki Fidlerby Vicki FidlerAre you considering straightening your smile with orthodontic treatment? You have good reason to invest in yourself! A recent study revealed that almost 80% of patients who completed orthodontic treatment felt that teeth …