To have strong and healthy teeth and gums, it is important to have a proper hygiene routine. Adopting practices that could keep your mouth clean keeps cavities and decay away.
The connection between oral hygiene and physical health is one of the most essential things in the human body. In fact, recent studies have shown that keeping your mouth clean has a direct impact on your brain health, especially on functions like memory, balance and mobility.
Dr Pratibha Mahajan, Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai, told that not having proper oral hygiene could lead to several teeth and gum diseases.
To have strong and healthy teeth and gums, it is important to have a proper hygiene routine. Adopting practices that could keep your mouth clean keeps cavities and decay away.
Dr Mahajan stressed that there are two ways to keep your teeth clean and healthy: traditional ways and modern methods.
“The traditional way involves brushing your teeth at least twice a day – in the morning and definitely before doing to bed,” said Dr Pratibha Mahajan. She added flossing, which is not a popular concept in India, should also be adopted to reach the crevices of the teeth and gums so that every impurity is out.
“It is necessary to reach the areas between your teeth and the gum where it attaches the teeth as a lot of bacteria is present which forms a biofilm. Throughout the day we eat and drink and this creates a biofilm,” she said.
It is only after we clean the teeth that the biofilm is removed and the soft deposits, called plaque, and hard deposits, called tartar, are taken out. Unfortunately, many people do not floss, which leads to gum disease, as these deposits are difficult to remove with time.
“We do brush our teeth but don’t floss. Flossing is a little challenging. Somehow, we aren’t taught the correct way of flossing. Visit your dentist to understand the proper way of flossing your teeth every day,” said Dr Mahajan.
Gargling is important after every meal, suggested the expert. “You need to gargle after having a sweet, soft drink, juice and a meal as it changes the pH of the saliva,” she said.
The more alkaline your mouth is, the better your oral hygiene. “Alkaline things are better. As the mouth turns acidic in nature, it starts harming the teeth. The incidence of having cavities and decay of teeth become more common then,” added Dr Mahajan.
Accumulation of food forms colonies of bacteria forming in the teeth leading to cavities and decay. “The key here is keeping your mouth always wet and keeping it more alkaline in pH and not letting this biofilm form,” said the expert.
Methods like water picks have become common. Using mouthwash is another way of keeping the mouth clean, especially when you can’t afford to brush after every meal. “When you’re working for long hours with your mouth closed, after some time you start feeling that stale breath. This is the time when the biofilm is formed. You should use a mouthwash to bring it back to the normal pH,” suggested Dr Mahajan.