It seems like every day there’s a new healthy drink trend to try, from kombucha to matcha to nut-based milks. And it’s common to jump to a new beverage to …
Dental HygieneFamilyLifestyle
Children are 7 times more likely to skip brushing if their parents do not brush twice a day
by EDSby EDSAccra-March 20, 2021- Research conducted globally by Pepsodent has found that children are 7 times more likely to skip brushing if their parents do not brush twice a day. According …
With the ever-increasing focus around the world on green issues, dentistry has had to take stock, not just as an industry, but at a dental practice level, of how much …
If you’ve worried that your toothbrush, being usually in the same room as your toilet, is perpetually covered in microscopic fecal matter, well, here’s some relief. According to a new …
Just because most newborns don’t have teeth yet, it’s never too early for new parents to start a dental regimen for their baby. “Parents shouldn’t wait until teething starts to …
After your meals, add half a teaspoon of salt to half a glass of warm water. Use this solution to rinse your mouth. Oral hygiene is very important because your …
Dental HygieneHealthLifestyle
Bright ideas: sink your teeth into these dental care delights
by EDSby EDSThe extent of the global pandemic can not only be felt in multiple aspects of daily life, it has also had a surprising impact on oral health as well. From …
Dental HygieneHealthLifestyle
What to know about the stages of tooth decay and abscesses
by EDSby EDSA tooth abscess is a collection of pus that forms inside a tooth or its surrounding structures. Tooth abscesses develop in response to acquiring a bacterial infection inside the tooth, …
Dental HygieneLifestyle
Most Important Tips to Help You Choose the Right Dentist
by byron parkerby byron parkerYour dentist is much more than a regularly scheduled appointment you must undergo once or twice per year – he or she is an essential partner in your ongoing journey …
As COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations continue to rise and fall across the country, the question of if and when you can see your dentist continues to evolve. Dental offices shut across …