Christmas is over, but the season of booze remains alive heading into New Year’s Eve. Many imbibers will reach for a glass of red wine as the clock strikes midnight …
Did you know that a healthy smile is foundational to helping us look and feel our best? With all the advancements in modern dentistry, though, the options for achieving a …
From toothpastes to gels, strips, mouth trays and rinses, there is a dizzying array of products that claim to lighten, brighten and whiten your teeth. And with so many options …
The hygienist cannot tell you there’s a cavity. She may have seen the cavity, but telling you would be a breach of protocol. Depending on her bedside manner, she might …
We all have stuff that drives us crazy. For dental professionals, patients are sometimes one of them. Don’t get me wrong. We love you. We entered health care because we …
When people only laugh cautiously or put their hands in front of their mouths, Wolfgang Boer suspects what is behind it: teeth that one would rather hide because they are …
Experts suggest that tooth sensitivity should not be ignored, as it could lead to long-term tooth damage If left unchecked. A decent set of teeth does not necessarily refer to …
Cosmetic Dentistry: Different Types And Their Cost : Have you ever found yourself drawn to someone who has a gorgeous smile? A symmetrical, precisely aligned, clean, and sparkly grin is merely …
Next time you take a ‘selfie’ with your smartphone you may have to put a broader smile on your dial just in case it’s needed later in a crisis. A …
Younger patients are seeking cosmetic dentistry now more than ever. With the popularity of social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, many younger adults want a beautiful and …