Just because most newborns don’t have teeth yet, it’s never too early for new parents to start a dental regimen for their baby. “Parents shouldn’t wait until teething starts to …
It can be difficult to convince young children to eat healthy, balanced diets, and it’s only natural for kids to gravitate toward foods that can easily cause tooth decay. While …
Dental HygieneDentistryFamilyHealth
If you’re making these brushing mistakes, your immunity is at stake
by EDSby EDSBrushing your teeth regularly is not just about getting those perfect smiles, it can an offer more benefits than you can imagine. Keeping your teeth clean not only prevents cavities …
Dental HygieneDentistryFamilyHealth
The 6 Drinks That Cause The Most Harm To Your Teeth
by EDSby EDS1) Juice Many parents would never think of giving their small children a can of cola but give them multiple cups of juice throughout the day. Juice may seem like …
ChildrenDental HygieneDentistryFamily
How to Pack a Mouth-Healthy Lunch for Your Child
by EDSby EDSFoods that are good for teeth: Cheese. For most of us Wisconsinites, it’s a relief to hear that cheese is good for our teeth. Cheese raises the pH in our mouths …
Dental HygieneDentistryFamilyTechnology
Direct-to-you tooth alignment poses serious risks
by EDSby EDSWould you do your own plastic surgery? If you broke your leg, would you try to set the bone yourself? How about your own cardiac surgery? Why would you think …
Baby bottle tooth decay occurs when sweetened liquids or those with natural sugars, such as milk, formula, and fruit juice, cling to infants’ teeth for a long period of time. …
For most people, having health insurance is a no-brainer. Even if you’re pretty healthy, you want that reassurance that if something serious happens, your insurance will pay for most of …
No one wants to feel self-conscious about their teeth. In fact, having bright-white teeth can make you look up to five years younger, according to Karen Asp, author of Anti-Aging Hacks: …
Dental HygieneDentistryFamilyHealth
Dentist vs Orthodontist for Braces – Which one is Better
by EDSby EDSDo you want to align your teeth but confuse, you need to see a dentist or orthodontist? This is a big question that people ever ask. There are many differences …