Going to the dentist tops the list of “things you’ll do eventually.” It’s right up there with changing your oil, vacuuming under the bed, and cleaning the expired spinach out …
Dental Hygiene
Many people have been trying to form better habits while they stay at home during the COVID-19 pandemic including eating healthier, working out more, self-reflecting, and more. However, I still …
Dental HygieneDental Industry NewsDentistryTechnology
How Contactless Dental Technology is Shaping the Future of Safe, Convenient Patient Care
by Planet DDSby Planet DDSThe words “new normal” might suffer from overuse. But it certainly defines the increasing need for contactless dental technology solutions. Re-opening has stirred up new realities for how you and your …
Dental HygieneDentistryFamilyHealth
If you’re making these brushing mistakes, your immunity is at stake
by EDSby EDSBrushing your teeth regularly is not just about getting those perfect smiles, it can an offer more benefits than you can imagine. Keeping your teeth clean not only prevents cavities …
Dental HygieneDentistryFamilyHealth
The 6 Drinks That Cause The Most Harm To Your Teeth
by EDSby EDS1) Juice Many parents would never think of giving their small children a can of cola but give them multiple cups of juice throughout the day. Juice may seem like …
ChildrenDental HygieneDentistryFamily
How to Pack a Mouth-Healthy Lunch for Your Child
by EDSby EDSFoods that are good for teeth: Cheese. For most of us Wisconsinites, it’s a relief to hear that cheese is good for our teeth. Cheese raises the pH in our mouths …
Dental HygieneDentistryFamilyTechnology
Direct-to-you tooth alignment poses serious risks
by EDSby EDSWould you do your own plastic surgery? If you broke your leg, would you try to set the bone yourself? How about your own cardiac surgery? Why would you think …
Dental HygieneDentistryEmergency DentalTechnology
5 Tooth Replacement Options Your Dentist May Recommend
by EDSby EDSIn dentistry, we are looking to ensure our patients have healthy and strong teeth that allow them to eat, smile and talk confidently. For many individuals, this is a challenge …
When we look at clear aligner therapy (Invisalign®) and braces as what they are, tools to move teeth, it becomes easier to compare them against one another. Teeth don’t know …
Why Do Dentists Push X-rays? Dental X-Rays have become a common adjunct to a routine dental exam and are a standard of care practice, helping detect early signs of tooth …